Have you ever imagined life in another country where you have no relation or friend?? Would you be able to stand up for what is right no matter your age or environment? Meet Daniel, a 17 year old boy who was taken to another land to be trained to serve a king he knew nothing about. Daniel is my favorite Bible personality because his life story gives me hope that anything is possible if I have God on my side and also if I put my mind to it.After reading the whole book of Daniel , I found these worth sharing.
~ Daniel was brave. Most of us know him as the guy who was thrown into the lions' den but we fail to realize that he was a lion himself. As a little girl i was told that lions ruled the wild because they're very brave and are feared by many. As young as he was, Daniel was able to stand up to his master to ask him for a change of diet. We must be bold in all that we do because our Father commands us to.
~Daniel made one of the best decisions in his life- not defiling himself with things that are not of GOD.
Most of us are torn between doing right or wrong. He rejecting the food given to him at the kings palace symbolizes the rejection of worldly things- it could be anything you can think of, songs, food, friends, and many more. As children of God, we should learn to say no to earthly things and be heaven-focused.
~Daniel had good friends who were with him through it all! We need to surround our ourselves with kingdom-minded people who will help us back on our feet when we fall . I believe Daniel was a good friend just like his friends.
Be brave, make the right decisions, surround yourself with good people:
#thankyouJESUS!! iw ill be like DANIEL!!